
Readings, required

  1. NYT article, 2010, A.O. Scott’s How Real Does it Feel?, for wk 2
  2. Scott McCloud’s Understanding Comics, ch 4, “Time Frames,” for wk 3
  3. Joel Beeson’s Inside the Empathy Machine; VR, Neuroscience, Race, Journalism, for wk 4
  4. Melina Gills Gabo Arora on Making VR With Vrse.Works & the UNfor wk 5
  5. John Vorwald & Ethan Wolff, How to Write a Story, Developing your Story Idea, wk 8
  6. MIT Open Lab’s Stereoscopy to Condition One, wk 9

Readings, recommended

  • H. Porter Abbott, Introduction to Narrative, ch1, Narrative And Life
  • Jerome Bruner, The Narrative Construction of Reality
  • Jorge Louis Borges, Garden of Forking Paths
  • Gonzalo Frasca, Simulation vs Narrative, Introduction to Ludology
  • Christian Metz, On the Impression of Reality in Cinema
  • Eyes, Lies & Illusion, ch 2, The Art of Deception
  • Brenda Laurel, Computer as Immersive Theater
  • Marie-Laure Ryan, Immersion vs Interactivity, VR and Literary Theory
  • Ivan Sutherland, Augmented Reality, The Ultimate Display; 1965

