Cerebral Evidence: Immersive Documentary Collab Studio

A Collab Studio Final Project by Qinqin Yang, Seung ho Jung, Chia Wei Liao, Yue Guan, Kabeer 

Cerebral Evidence: The Story (Download the Documentation Here)

The inspiration behind the game is the conflict between your subconcious and concious mind to in uence your thoughts.The environment in the game is imagined by the mind as a spectral plane which is an abstract extension of all the things we see and experience on a day-to-day bais.

The core idea behind gaining control is to make you believe that you are survielled every day. The phonecalls serve as a metaphor of practising control from a distance & the camera around are a clue towards constant surviellance. The land-scape is an extension of human minds desire to exsist in time which is eternal & unique.

Here is a link to our Game’s Walk Through video: https://youtu.be/25ux6Exd-xA

We would also express our deep sense of gratitude to our instructor Melanie Crean for giving us the opportunity to pursue this project at the Immersive Documentary: Collab Studio. Without her support, we would never have learnt and absorbed so signi cantly from this project. We also are indebted to our industry collaborator Dan Archer , his valuable guidance, keen interest and encouragement in various stages.

We acknowledge, with great appreciation the timely support of Geyao Zhang . His guidance, sharing of valuable knowledge, continuous efforts, patience and constructive criticism has contributed immensely to the evolution of our ideas and completion of this project.

We express deep and sincere gratitude to the loving inspiration from my colleagues. The project could not have been complete without the invaluable suggestion from user testing which has also been of great value.

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