Group Projects- Steven, Zahra and Remina

  1.  Flipbook (

2.  360 Video (

3.  VR UX (Prototyping and testing):  Please note that our user experience took place in almost complete darkness with the exception of a laser pointer held by the Prop Master guide and a small flashlight installed on the user’s headset.  As a result, attempts were unsuccessful to capture on video the two in-class executions of this experience with two separate users.  Below is an attempt to document the pre-production project work.

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VR Headset mock-up (includes flashlight for navigation, left hand button click for selection, elastic headband for free use of hands, ledge for nasal comfort although user’s glasses still fogged up)



two giant locks       (Steven)

make a wormhole       (Remina)

3 keys       (Steven)

giant switch on wall (opens wormhole)    (Steven)

4/5 creatures       (Remina)

Masks       (Remina)



lights off (dark as possible)

3 participatory people (key holders)



switch flipping

wormhole opening      audio> (Zahra)

sound for all interactions (keys, locks trying to be opened) etc.

soft tread of the gods-sound

sound for monsters


flashlight (Steven)

laser pointer (Steven)

tape (Steven)

Story will be user is in dark room. “You find yourself in a dark classroom. You feel uneasy and the need to escape.”

If user is totally not getting it, give a hint of “There are some strange figures in the room, perhaps they can help.”

Both doors are locked. Each participant holds a key. User must find them, and decide to interact with them.

User has light attached to VR mask and when pointed at interactive objects, stagehands illuminate them with laser pointer to show they can interact with them.

When user discovers switch on wall and flips it, audio for wormhole appears and wormhole pops up, then monsters crawl out and audio is played for this.

Once user discovers they can’t escape from the keys, and if they decide to go back to the 3 people to ask for another key, nothing happens. No interaction. They must find switch and leave through wormhole (if they chose to, otherwise they’re locked in there).

Sound clips were used to direct the user’s attention, to relay the environment’s response to certain user choices, and to create a feeling of foreboding.


new option/opening

bolt lock/key not working

wormhole opens

monsters emerge from wormhole

tripped the end/game over

constant low background noise




flip book specs, due Wed Sep 14

Depict a space by using only 2D photographs, taken at consistent intervals, to create a “flip-book” style montage that can be played as a series of gifs with text overlays in the same style as NYT’s Walking in War’s Path. One example workflow would be to set up the story in Photoshop using the “animation” feature, setting each frame to 1 second and pausing for 5 seconds on frames that have text, to give readers time to absorb. Another would be to create short videos containing a series of photos that are each 1 second long, and potentially sound.

The goal of the project is to experiment with the nature of the flipbook / stop motion aesthetic and what it can convey, to see how the 2D medium of photography can be used to explore 3D space. Consider how you would like to contextualize your chosen space and the images you use to represent it. What interests you about the space? What would you like the viewer to experience? What “information,” whether literal or aesthetic, do you provide to support this goal?

Games for today

Complete the Image
Two people shake hands and freeze. The audience studies the pair and discusses what they see, all possible meanings. Is this at a party, business meeting, two friends parting for the last time. Everyone gets into pairs and begins with a frozen image of: a hand shake, a chosen gesture, a gesture based on a theme, free choice. One partner leaves the image, leaving their partner frozen. After considering for a moment what an alternative “meaning” or story for the original gesture might be, the person reenters the scene in a new way. The different position in relation to the partner changes the meaning of the image and projects a different emotion toward the other person. The second partner then leaves, and does the same. The partners alternate in dialog. Its impt that each partner only take a moment to complete the image, doing things spontaneously that feel natural, rather than thinking, to keep ideas flowing. The meaning of each image does not have to be literal. Afterwards, partners should discuss their experience and interpretation of the dialog.

Eco location
Also good for using other senses, exploring space
In pairs, one person as guide, other as guided. The guide makes a sound (abstract, animal, or based on theme), and repeats while partner listens. Then the guided close their eyes, and must follow the guide as they move around the room. When guide stops, guided also stops. In this way, guide can lead their partner around the room and avoid them bumping into things. If the guided can focus & follow well, the guide can move farther away. Switch roles. Discuss.

Silent Running
Good for using other senses, exploring space through sound and body awareness.
One person, the driver, stands behind a partner, who is the car. From behind, the driver guides the car’s movements by gently pressing a finger on the middle of the back to go straight, the left shoulder to go left, right shoulder to go right, or on the back of the neck to reverse. The nearer the shoulder, the sharper the corner. Speed is regulated by pressure. To stop, the driver removes their hand. Drivers should move slowly, to lead cars through a variety of interesting spaces, being mindful they don’t bump into anything.

Learn Of the brand-new completely free Musically followers Tricks

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What’s Musical. Ly?

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Yet the app warranties in excess of a hundred million inhabitants, depending on the app’s around page here at Tumblr. Musical. Ly warranties mainly because liberating here at 2014, the tv has reached the highest suite here at Apple’s App wall socket here at 20 nations, including the U. S. It’s often among the better photo and video applications here at Apple’s App wall socket, hovering between the better 50 and better a hundred put an end to in the previous season, as per analytics organization App Annie. Here at Android, Musical. Ly sits for the better 25 applications downloaded here at Google play. Why is it in such a way more popular?

As a general rule, the tv accepts inhabitants prove and star within their very own very own music movies. A minor summary of the highest movies up the applications prove the great majority inhabitants lip-syncing straight to more popular music. Will i be worried around my kids playing the tv?

Ex – reviews possess surfaced of alarmed parents appealing to unacceptable thrilled shipped simply by strangers off their kids. An obvious networks of the new Zealand Herald guideline yet the felt of the mother here at Australia who all outlined her 8-year-old daughter won texts from a partner pretending to be Justin Bieber. Need the great majority social mass media applications, Musical. Ly profiles are currently computed simply by default, which will start inhabitants straight to unacceptable texts. Inside a section to spend parents, Musical. Ly discourages any kind of inhabitants under 13 from establishing an account, and offers references here at Internet privacy and cyberbullying. “We motivate on you to make the decision an active part here at your own body’s teens Internet feel,” reads that an excerpt. Yet the app’s suppliers couldn’t turn into used to spend comment on this tale. How do i guard them?

An obvious critical alternative Musical. Ly will provide is definitely establishing your own body’s finance straight to very own. The particular accepts inhabitants prove who would like to follow them and either recognize or decline. In addition, it stops anyone from directly sending texts unless you possess approved them mainly because enthusiasts (Musical. Ly’s version of enthusiasts). Whether it be your own body’s felt is definitely computed, you may non-etheless opt to only about let musically followers the friends straight to send texts. Musical. Ly newspapers toned by having very own finance, guideline that includes felt picture, username, and an initial bio are currently visual straight to every one. Yet the app advises parents straight to communicate with kids around not informing “personal guideline, that includes age, address, how to get more likes or telephone volume here at his/her felt. “

Musical. Ly also has choices straight to stop inhabitants and networks them to spend abuse.